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📢 Important Update for India Local Traffic Compliance (TRAI)
Incident Report for Telesign system status
We’d like to inform you of important compliance requirements issued by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to address unauthorized activities and ensure the proper use of telecom resources.

Key Updates

- New Requirement for Principal Entities (PE) on DLT Portals
All Principal Entities (PE) must now declare their associated Telemarketers (TM), Aggregators (TMA), and Delivery Telemarketers (TMD) on DLT portals. This is referred to as the PE-TM Binding setup and is crucial for maintaining end-to-end communication visibility.

- Scope of Regulation
This requirement applies to local traffic within India.

- Non-Compliance Impact
Any message with an undefined or incomplete telemarketer chain will be rejected by India Telecom Service Providers (TSPs).

- Effective Date
The regulation will take effect on December 1, 2024, and will be enforced across all Indian TSPs.

What You Need to Do

If you handle local traffic through Telesign, please ensure compliance by working with us to set up the PE-TM Binding.
- Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or reach out to our Support Team at to initiate the process.
- For more detailed information about India DLT requirements, please refer to this article:

We’re here to help ensure a smooth transition to compliance. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.
Posted Nov 28, 2024 - 21:07 PST
This incident affects: Regulatory Updates.